June 22, 2009

it's all happening

Tickets on sale today!

Visit the Fringe website or call 866.811.4111 to get 'em!

And check out the CapFringe's show guide online and let us know what you think by posting on our Fringe Book!

June 12, 2009

kicking off our sunday shoes


As you can imagine, things have been pretty crazy here at the Zoo. Rehearsals are going full throttle and we are making some really exciting discoveries along the way.

We thought it was high time to introduce our other muse, one who might be a little more recognizable to you all...

Swoon. That hair. Those moves. Those acid wash jeans.

Bacon and our Ballerina are engaged in a pretty fierce dance-off right now. Winner gets bragging rights and three free rentals at Groovy Movies. We'll keep you posted...

June 10, 2009


Kristen Deane.
Caitlin Dennis.
Gwen Grastorf.
Cheryl Gnerlich.
Jake Jeppson.
Meghan Nesmith.
Kevin O'Reilly.
Matt Pearson.
April Whaley.
Kevin Bacon.

Rockers, each and every one.